The female human body is seriously amazing… I mean we’re able to grow mini humans!!!…. It’s crazy when you really think about it. So with all that going on inside, I soon realised into the second trimester of my first pregnancy that I needed to take care of my bump skin as it grew!
First pregnancy.
A close friend of mine recommended Clarins Tonic Body Treatment Oil. I used this daily and went through about 4/5 bottles pre and post-partum. Not ideal at £40 a pop!

Admittedly, I have a stretch mark free stomach so maybe the investment was worth it! Not to mention it’s lovely scent! So relaxing and calming, perfect for a night time routine.
Second pregnancy.
This time round… I’ve done a bit more research into the oils and ingredients and I’m loving The Body Shop Thai Makrut Lime Firming Oil. It smells divine, it’s non-greasy, cruelty free and vegan!!… Not only this but it’s about half the price of the Clarins oil! I use the oil on everywhere that’s growing/will grow… thighs, inner thighs, bump, hips, lower back, boobs and upper arms!! All these areas are just as important as the bump when it comes to skin care! Stretch marks know no limits!!!

I then use a softening body butter (also from The Body Shop) for everywhere else. Again, this smells and feels heavenly! No greasy residue either! Living in Dubai it’s easy to get dry skin with the heat and water systems in the showers.

What’s Everyone Else Using?
Bio oil is a well known fave for pre and post-partum body skin care… but personally I don’t like the smell or texture. What bump skin care are you using? Have you used something different that you would recommend? I’d love to know! (I’m not planning baby no.3 at all but it’s always good to know just incase I rekindle my love of cakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner).
***Please remember that I’m not a dermatologist or pregnancy expert. Just sharing my own experiences and what works for me.
The Carey Mum

I’m ‘The Carey Mum’, a thirty-something year old British Mum currently residing in Dubai.
I’ll be writing about everything from budget friendly best buys and eyeliner fails (more than I care to remember) to parenting wins and toddler tantrums (again, more than I care to remember)!
All real, uncensored, unfiltered and often a little bit sweary… It can’t be helped, sometimes there are literally no other words!