After researching through hospitals leaflets, pregnancy books and other online sites, we have complied, crossed-check the relevancy of each items and came up with a complete checklist for your hospital bag, or otherwise known as the to-go bag because when the time comes, you just have TO GO!
Giving birth is a special moment in your life and you definitely feel excited, worried, can't wait, don't know what will happen, the thought of the labor constantly in your mind and so on.... That you may not have time to think about the bag.

So here we go. The MUST HAVE checklist for your hospital bag:
Photo ID
Insurance info
Hospital forms
Birth plan (if you have one)
Eyeglasses (if you wear them)
Cell phone and charger
Toiletry bag - hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, and lip balm (travel-sized bottles would be more convenient)
Two or three pairs of warm socks
Backless slip-on slippers (easy to get on and off)
A dressing gown (when you feel cold)
Loose, lightweight clothing (when you feel warm)
Old nightdress or T-shirt to wear in labour
Change of Old Underwears
Headband or ponytail holder (avoid clips)
Your own drink bottle
Non-perishable snacks
Change for the vending machines
Sugar-free hard candy or lozenges to keep your mouth moist during labor (candy with sugar will make you thirsty)
Things to help you relax or pass the time, such as books, magazines, or a tablet computer
Eye mask and earplugs - helps while sleeping in a brightly lit, noisy ward.
Earbuds to listen to music on your phone or mp3 player
Bath towel (hospital may only supply a very thin, small one)
Items for after delivery
23. Two maternity bras (no underwire)
24. Nursing pads (for the support and leak protection)
25. Nightdresses (Front-opening if you plan to breastfeed)
26. Comfortable going-home clothes and flat shoes (or just wear the clothes you came in)
27. A few pairs of old maternity underwear (the hospital provides disposable pairs, which
some women find handy and others find uncomfortable)
28. Breastfeeding pillow (V-shaped pillow can give you extra support when breastfeeding)
Optional items
Massage oil or lotion (if you would like to be massaged during your labor)
CD players and CDs (if you would like to have music on during your labor)
Birth ball and pump (help labor effectively)
As for the bag itself, it is an excuse for us women to go shopping again. Or simply use any existing bag in your wardrobe as long as you feel comfortable with it.
