During your pregnancy you will no doubt think about the nursery. How will it look? How should we decorate it? What colour scheme should we use? Would there be items I’ll missed? What are the must buy? Let's think simple for the time being as you will have plenty to add on in the coming future. For now, baby sleeps, eats and poo.

Here are the essential must have items for your first nursery.
1. Sleeping
It is important to have the right materials (soft sheets), size (not too large as baby loves security) and ambience for baby to have a sound sleep.

Crib or bassinet
Mattress protectors (at least 2)
Sheets (at least 2)
Wraps or bundles (at least 2)
Thick curtains or blinds
Soft music (optional)

2. Feeding
Armchair and cushion
Side table
Lamp or nightlight

3. Baby poo
Changing table
Wipeable changing mat
Changing mat cover (2)
Trash can or laundry bucket, depending on your diapering plan
Heater (if the season is winter)

4. Other items
Soft floor mat or rug - there may be times you change diaper on the floor, or tummy time with the baby.
A storage cabinet to store all your baby toys and accessories away.
Baby monitor