Whether you are a stay at home parent, a part-time worker or a full time employee, keeping a reliable planner of upcoming appointments, events and meetings is necessary to manage your busy everyday life.

The are many different types of planner available, so shop around to find the one that suits your needs best. There are personal hand written planners and electronic organisers with accounting systems available. The type you choose depend on the work you need to organise. You may need a whole page for each day, or it might be more easier to be able to see a week at a glance.
Choose a diary that looks good and that you will enjoy using.
Using a planner takes discipline. The first thing you need to do is to get used to taking the time to record appointments and scheduled events as and when they are made. Make sure you note down the time needed for preparation before the events or meetings, as well as any follow-up or reporting afterwards.
Use colored pens to denote tasks of varying importance.
Daily task should be categorise into three types of tasks:
Type A: The most important task should be dealt with at your peak energy level.
Type B: The not so important task should be dealt with next.
Type C: Not important but routine type of task can be left till last.
Make sure you have planned the right balance of tasks and taken into account a realistic assessment of your personal, mental and physical energy level. Last but not least, remember to leave yourself enough free time each day to deal with any unexpected situations that may arise.